Less Distracting Instagram Mobile

Removes For You, the explore page, and the reels tab.

Install Userstyle

To install the Userstyle, you'll need a Userstyle Manager extension. Stylus is a popular one, and I use it as well.

If you only see code, then you likely don't have one installed.

Once you have it installed, click "Install Userstyle" and follow the prompts.

If you can, I highly recommend also installing the filter list along side the userstyle. This will prevent any flashes of unwanted content when navigating.

Install filter list (made for uBlock Origin)


To install the filter list, you'll need an ad-blocker. uBlock Origin is a popular one, and I use it as well.

Different ad-blockers have different ways of installing custom filter lists. I'll be showing instructions for uBlock Origin.

  1. Open uBlock Origin settings.
  2. Navigate to the "Filter lists" tab.
  3. At the bottom, expand the "Import..." section.
  4. Copy and paste the link above into the textbox.
  5. Click the "Apply Changes" button at the top of the page.
  6. The list should now be installed under the "Custom" section.


The For You feed is removed, and the top bar on the homepage is brought down for easier usage. Stories intentionally remain.

The explore page is now just for search. You can also disable the explore page entirely in the Userstyle's settings.

The reels tab are removed. Reels in post form remain; the goal is to just remove its infinite scroll format.

Ads are not blocked. Please use something else to do so!