Hacker News highlight jumped to comments

When you jump to a comment, it'll be highlighted.

Install Userscript

To install the Userscript, you'll need a Userscript Manager extension. Tampermonkey is a popular one, and I use it as well.

If Chrome gives you a weird error, or you only see code, then you likely don't have one installed.

Once you have it installed, click "Install Userscript" and follow the prompts.


On any Hacker News thread, when you click a link that makes you jump to a comment, it'll show a gray background. That's it.

CSS Theming

This script supports custom Hacker News themes using CSS, but you'll have to make sure the stylesheet supports this script. It's not that hard.

The background tries to first pull from a variable, so you can change the background using that variable:

:root {
  --dabric-hn-target-background: hsl(60, 9%, 88%); /* change me! */

For fuller control, the script also adds a class to the comment that you can target:

._dabric-hn-target {
  /* ~~ whatever you want ~~ */