
Make a webring without leaving your HTML! A really easy webring script for the personal web.

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Getting started

Step 1 - Add the script to your page

Download the script and put it as reasonably high as you can on your webring's page. It being at the top is critical to its performance.

		<script src="/linkcircle.js"></script>
		<!-- ... -->

Step 2 - Add your members

Linkcircle looks in your HTML for members. There's no touching JavaScript.

First, list your members anywhere on your page as links in your HTML.

<a href="">Cool dude</a>
<a href="">Somebody</a>

Then, make a unique code for each member, called a slug, in a data-slug="". Make sure your members know their slug so they can set up their widget later.

<a href="" data-slug="cooldude">Cool dude</a>
<a href="" data-slug="somebody">Somebody</a>

Step 3 - You got a webring!

That's all the setup you have to do! Edit your HTML to add or remove members.

Members can make their own widgets by linking your page using their slug like so:

<a href="">Previous</a>
<a href="">Random</a>
<a href="">Homepage</a>
<a href="">Next</a>


This section is more in-depth and technical. You likely won't have to go into here if you're just casually using Linkcircle.


You can set options by adding attributes to the script tag. They internally parse using JSON, so use JSON for the values:

data-next-nameThe name used for the next action. (like ?person-next)"next"
data-previous-nameThe name used for the previous action. (like ?person-previous)"previous"
data-random-nameThe name used for the random action. (like ?person-random)"random"
data-hide-pageHides the page as Linkcircle waits for it to load when an action is being taken.true
data-use-implicit-urlAllows for the use of implicit URLs (like ?person-next).true
data-explicit-url-keyThe key used for explicit URLs (like ?lc=person-next)"lc"
data-show-error-messageShows an error message when a member isn't found.true
data-member-not-found-messageThe error message used when a member isn't found."Webring error. This is likely an issue with the site you are visiting."
data-cache-lifespanHow long the cache lasts for in milliseconds.1800000 (30 minutes)
data-storage-prefixThe prefix used for the cache stored in localStorage."linkcircle"
data-slug-attribute-nameThe name used for the slug attribute you add to member links. Make sure to also update data-member-selector."data-slug"
data-href-attribute-nameThe name used for the href attribute you add to member links. Make sure to also update data-member-selector."href"
data-member-selectorThe selector used to find member links."[href][data-slug]"
data-show-debugPrints debug information into the console, like members found.false
data-dry-runRuns like normal but won't redirect. Useful with data-show-debug.false

Action links tell Linkcircle to go next, previous, or random. It's just the members add to their page to make their widget.

The main part is the cooldude-next. The first part is the slug, and the second part is the action. They're separated with the final dash found (so cool-dude-next works fine).

There are two types, implicit and explicit.


They're shorter and arguably easier to understand for people not knowledgeable with URLs. This is ideal for people on the personal web with just a static site.

How Linkcircle reads it is by going through each search parameter's key and seeing if it matches an action. So, you can still add more search parameters, and Linkcircle will work fine:


If you use search parameters on your site more often, consider explicit action links. You can disable implicit links by setting data-use-implicit-url to false.


They're slightly longer, but are less confusing to work with when using search parameters. This feature works alongside implicit action links for any members that may want to use it.

You can change the key with data-explicit-url-key.


By default, you can make members by adding an element with both a href and a data-slug. The href is the member's URL to link to, and data-slug is a unique id each member uses in their action link. It's explained better in Getting Started.

At first, Linkcircle will wait for the page to load. If it didn't find any elements that matches the criteria, it'll then just wait for such elements to appear. This lets it support Zonelets!

Linkcircle will also hide the page as it loads if it detects an action link. This is done by display: noneing the html element. You can disable this by setting data-hide-page to false.


Having to wait for the entire page to load each time would suck, so Linkcircle caches any members it finds into LocalStorage. This is why you should put the script tag at the very top of your page; after the first run Linkcircle does not depend on the page to load and can get out fast.

The cache is updated when:

  • It's invalidated after a certain amount of time (default is 30 minutes).
  • It couldn't find a member in the cache.
  • The webring page is opened without an action link.
  • Linkcircle encounters an internal error.