# old

drawings i made before i used that date in title system.

## modified dates
because the creation dates got reset at some point. the modified dates are also already getting a margin of error when it comes to when the file was made, so here's a table of it as of 2024-02-07.

| name          | modifed    |
| um            | 2022-05-26 |
| weird ass bug | 2022-05-27 |
| bowling bot   | 2022-05-28 |
| ralsei        | 2022-05-30 |
| sleepy rob... | 2022-05-31 |
| h             | 2022-06-01 |
| New Bitmap... | 2022-06-02 |
| conductor     | 2022-06-11 |
| jetpack       | 2022-06-27 |
| kip           | 2022-06-27 |
| pill          | 2022-06-27 |
| mostly the... | 2022-06-29 |
| mojang        | 2022-06-29 |
| vgy           | 2022-07-05 |
| warp speed    | 2022-07-10 |
| mmmm          | 2022-11-14 |
| New Bit...(2) | 2023-03-04 |

## files

### conductor.bmp

the colored guy in the middle was from a dream where there was some weird new undertale character that was like ralsei called the conductor. their thing was turning gears, and they visually looked as-is in the drawing.

### kip.bmp

doodle of an old game, see https://dabric.xyz/post/old-choose-your-own-adventure

### weird ass bug.bmp

tried to draw a line and paint just did that instead.