
It's written in YAML, because YAML is cool.
  • yaml
- c: dabric
- I love saying things
- face: wink
- This is another dialog
- c: evil person
- I'm evil...


It's an item of a list. Can either be a string or an object.
If it's a string, it makes the character say that.
If it's an object, see the next heading.

Nugget data

Sets data for only the next line said. You can make it stick until the next character by adding !.
c is special. It's reserved for switching characters, and will always be preserved across lines.
  • yaml
- c: dabric
- Hello. # [o_o]
- face: wink
- Hello. # [o_-]
- Hello. # [o_o]
- face!: wink
- Hello. # [o_-]
- Still winking. # [o_-]
- c: someoneElse
- I'm not Dabric. # :|
- Not winking anymore too. # :|