this website

1/19/2022 (updated 11/13/2022) #archive

you're on it right now.

yep, this is a website
there's some dumb things under the ":)" on the menu bar
i use sveltekit, which currently isn't finished. other than it not being done, it's good


the website is a bit more speedy, because i finally got the css to minify :). i solved this issue by just...going through the build and minifying it with a script. may be hacky but it works. my website feels like it's held together by tape already
i standardized some units and redesigned the website a bit, which may be obvious if you've been here before. if you haven't, here's a nice screenshot:
old screenshot of this page. differences include no sections, a simple gray background, and not that much background blurs.
bland and boring
also, i considered remaking my website with solid.js, but honestly i like svelte more. i considered doing that cuz i felt like was having too many issues with svelte, but after taking a break and coming back i fixed most of them.
maybe obvious, but the homepage has been redone. it's different. but that also meant i had to get rid of its achievements. which sucks ig

This is an old archived version of my website as of August 10th, 2024.

You can view it, but page content may be outdated. I've tried my best to update links but some may be incorrect. Adding /archive/v3/ to the start of the url should work if you somehow 404.

The current version can be found at just